Training crisis communication

Crisis communication is a highly strategic matter and an integral part of effective crisis management. It removes uncertainties, buys time, and contributes to the continuity of the organisation.

However, crisis communication is not simple. Expectations from employees, customers, suppliers, partners, governments, authorities, or the general public have never been higher, and time pressure, complexity, and uncertainty make communication during a crisis especially challenging. More than ever, communicators must juggle transparency, empathy, and expectations with the goal of providing clarity and avoiding looking shifty.

During a crisis communication training, you will benefit from our unparalleled expertise gained through hundreds of crisis situations over the past 20 years, and you will conclude that it’s not as difficult as it seems. After all, crisis communication is essentially just excellent communication – with a smaller margin for error.

Interested in a crisis communication training?

About the training crisis communication

PM has developed special expertise in all aspects of crisis communication. You can come to us for:

We love teaching and training. Our consultants are dedicated trainers who speak with passion about their field. They draw on vivid examples and anecdotes, and allow ample room for interaction with the group.

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Hear it from someone else

Great style of the trainers; many good examples for inspiration and very clear models.

Anonymous testimonial
(HR employee, BelGaN)

An enriching experience for the entire team that prompts reflection and better practices.

Dieter De Neef
(Employer Branding & AG Comms., AG Insurance)

training crisiscommunicatie

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    Competency-based learning

    Competency-based learning means purposefully working towards the competencies needed to effectively fulfill a crisis communication role. PM has competency standards for the most common roles within the crisis team that describe the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

    Benefits of competency-based learning include:

    Learn with a purpose

    Competency-based learning means learning more efficiently. We make the learning objectives specific, have participants demonstrate competencies as part of the curriculum, and let the results influence the curriculum.

    Identify gaps

    With competency-based learning, participants see both their strengths and areas needing improvement. The client can assess the extent to which there is sufficient capacity for a particular crisis management role.

    See progress

    The competency standards are quantifiable. This allows participants or clients to clearly measure and document progress. You can thus assign a numerical value to the achieved learning outcomes.

    Start today with competency-based learning for your crisis communication team.