Zombie Game simulation

Imagine the following scenario: Zombie attacks wreak havoc across the world. Our cities go into lockdown, and zombies threaten everything we hold dear. Our future and legacy are at stake. Fortunately, NATO member states have developed a battle plan: armies are deploying their troops to contain the zombies, communication specialists are working hard to inform citizens, and crisis managers in the war room must ensure that their values and strategic objectives align with all stakeholders involved.

Since May 2014, we have known that the U.S. Department of Defense wrote “CONPLAN 888” in 2011, a crisis plan to prepare the Pentagon and U.S. defense for zombie outbreaks! At PM, we take it a step further. We didn’t just write a zombie plan; no, we made this far-fetched scenario a reality. In our Zombie Game, participants are actually confronted with this disaster, which you normally only see in blockbuster movies.

The Zombie Game is now also available under license.

Prepare for anything

The Zombie Game is the only game covering operational crisis response, crisis management and crisis communications. It is the most interactive simulation on crisis management ever built.

Feels like a real crisis

The Zombie Game offers organisations, teams and individuals a unique way of exploring elements of crisis management, no matter the level of experience, and even if you are not involved with crisis management!

Multi purpose simulation

Zombie Games can be held as teambuildings, as part of a crisis training or even an executive session, exploring themes like strategic intent and tactical planning. Sessions usually take a half or full day.

Unforgettable experience

A Zombie Game session has a lasting impression if you get to play one, forever changing the way you view crisis. Really, immerse yourself in a session and you will be talking about it for years to come.

Email me the brochure

In the brochure, you can read more about the objectives of the simulation game, practical requirements, references, and more.

    Expert advice

    Bert Brugghemans, our senior partner and co-author of the Dutch book Alles is onder controle! & 9 andere mythes over organiseren in tijden van crisis, explains why we need to prepare for zombie attacks.

    Relevant updates

    The Zombie Game is created and developed by PM • Risk Crisis Change. All rights related to the game and its materials are exclusively owned by PM. It is not permitted to use game materials or any part thereof for personal purposes unless explicit permission is granted. Making copies, adaptations, translations, edits, and modifications to the content of this website and all game materials in any form is prohibited without prior written consent from PM. If agreed upon, a link to PM’s website (https://pm.be/) must always be included.