5 lessons learned: what makes a strong crisis communication team?

We have been collaborating with Hasselt University since 2018 on the domain of integrated crisis management. At a recent exercise our trainers observed a stellar performance by the crisis communications team in particular.

In an effort to figure out what it is that enables this team to do such good work, we had a chat with a few of the team members. We are grateful they were willing to share their insights on crisis communications preparedness.

Executive inspiration sessions & masterclass

It has been more than 6 years since our most recent masterclass, so another event is long overdue. Therefore we are announcing new executive inspiration sessions and a masterclass for February 2023.

We are shy on information like pricing and restaurants but what we do know:

  • Location is somewhere in Brussels
  • Two-day track on crisis governance and resilience (English)
  • Three-day track on integrated crisis management (Dutch & English)
  • Both tracks limited to 12 participants
  • Networking opportunities amongst groups and speakers
  • At least 5 international renowned experts from outside PM
  • Discounts apply if your organisation registers for both tracks

Reach out to your contact at PM to save your seat today. By pre-registering, you do not commit to anything. We’ll update you first on pricing, speakers and practicalities, but you are able to opt out at any time.

Crisis preparedness challenges for seveso companies

As a company we got into integrated crisis management back in 2004 when we were involved in a large-scale crisis at a seveso company. At that point we decided to dedicate ourselves entirely to all things crisis.

Eighteen years later we still collaborate closely with lots of seveso companies. Colleague Senne Keuppens had a closer look at some challenges they face in terms of crisis preparedness and wrote about it on our blog.

Keynote at IAAPA Expo London

Robbert and Stijn shared their vision and expertise at the IAAPA Europe Expo, the largest gathering for the amusement parks and attractions industry. On our blog you will find a short read about our keynote as well as some pictures.

Inspiring others and being inspired by others were the main objectives of our trip to London. The event did not disappoint; with the pandemic being in the rear-view mirror, people increasingly seek ways to spend quality time with family and colleagues, and therefore the attractions industry is booming.

Confirming this trend of wanting to get together in a more unique setting, we notice a significant sales increase in Zombie Game simulations.

Lighthouse (Romania) joins the CCNE

The Crisis Communications Network of Europe (CCNE) gathers European crisis communication specialists with the aim of collaborating across borders and exchanging best practices with each other.

We happily welcome the Romanian PR & crisis company Lighthouse as latest addition to the network. PM represents Belgium in the CCNE, so feel free to reach out to talk about cross-border crisis governance.

PM is involved with the governance of CCNE, with PM’s Robbert Meulemeester taking the lead of the governance workstream.

New members for Team D5

Team D5 is the Belgian crisis communication support team, which consists of 50 crisis communication experts. Any mayor, governor or the national crisis center can count on Team D5 for crisis communications support.

PM’s Julien Draillard Losada and Robbert Meulemeester joined the team and got introduced during a visit to the mining site of Marcinelle. The site is known for its mining disaster in 1956, when an explosion and fire took 262 lives.