Simulations & games

Put your organisation to the test

At PM we put our extensive experience and creativity capacities to good use to build the most extraordinary simulations and games.

In essence, all crisis exercises and simulations can be considered games. The more abstract the scenario, the more we tend to speak of games instead of simulations, but nonetheless we are playing. Play is in human nature. By playing, we imagine entire worlds. We pretend in order to consequently learn about our own reality with its rules and ourselves. In doing so, playing helps to increase our empathy and in some cases playing can teach us to adapt better to an unexpected situation. Given today’s complex society, you could argue that playing is therefore a very serious matter!

See what simulations and games we offer to put your organisation to the test.

Zombie Game

Crisis management is about managing the unexpected in complex conditions. How would you handle worldwide zombie outbreaks? This team game forever changes the way you view organising during crisis. It is a unique, accessible and fun way of exploring basic principles of crisis management, no matter the level of experience.


Calamity Cards

This card game generates thousands of unique crisis scenarios for your teams. All kinds of potential threats you may not immediately think about, but can affect your organisation at any given time. The cards are deal as conversation starter, for frequent flash exercises or to expose gaps in your crisis plans. Results guaranteed.


Social Media Trainer

Realism, or lack thereof, can make or break a crisis exercise. This is also the case for crisis communication exercises. At PM we use the Social Media Trainer Tool (SMT), built by our Dutch partners Merlin, to simulate online media and social media during crisis situations. Can your team deal with the pressure and scrutiny from the public?

crisis consulting