Interim Evaluation of the Crisis Communication Training Series for Seveso Companies

crisiscommunicatie voor sevesobedrijven

In 2023, the emergency planning department of the federal service of the governor of the province of Antwerp organized a series of crisis communication training sessions for Seveso companies. The department collaborated with PM for this initiative. Some statistics:

  • In total, 7 test sessions were organized last year for 74 participants from 33 Seveso companies.
  • In preparation for the training day, participants were given access to theoretical modules on PM’s online learning platform. No less than 9 out of 10 participants completed these modules from start to finish.
  • After the training, we also asked participants to optionally submit a paper reflecting on how crisis communication is organized in their company. This was to demonstrate their understanding of the taught knowledge and methodologies and their ability to critically reflect on the subject. We received a total of 25 interesting papers, with contributions from 37 individuals.
  • 64 participants completed an evaluation form afterward, giving the training an average score of 8.55 out of 10.

On February 1, 2024, a networking event was held for all participants. Governor Cathy Berx, emergency planning attaché Evi Devis, and Robbert Meulemeester addressed the attendees and presented several issues as topics for group discussions. Participants then had the opportunity to get to know each other better over snacks and drinks provided by the governor’s office.

In 2024, two more test sessions will be organized. Afterward, the department will decide how extensively this training will be rolled out in the coming years.

Domain: Training
Language: English