How to transform conversation into strategies

At the BCI World 2017 Conference (London), PM team members Stijn & Tim held an exciting duo presentation covering various new insights on establishing solid crisis management strategies based on useful informal conversation and sentiments

The content of this presentation sparked the curiosity of two Business Continuity related outlets: both the Continuity Magazine and the Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning asked us to write an article about this fascinating subject for their readers. As we firmly believe in spreading our ideas not only by presenting at international symposia but also in written form, we immediately said ‘Yes!’ to both requests.

We are glad to be able to provide the first of the these two publications on our blog. Enjoy the article from Continuity Magazine, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you want to explore this topic further within your organisation.

What came next: in depth paper

Our paper that was published in Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning dives deeper in this theme, for instance discussing a framework for Crisis Intelligence which allows organisations to vastly improve their coordination and information management processes. Not only does this lead to better situational awareness in any crisis team, it also paves the way for more efficient, data driven decision making during a crisis. The paper was accepted for publication and is fully available on our website.

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Type: PDF, 830Kb
Language: English
Source: Continuity, The Magazine of the Business Continuity Institute, issue Q4 2017
This article is republished on our blog with permission of the BCI Content Manager of the magazine.
Note: we encourage you to share this blog post. Do refer to the blog article’s page link and (please) don’t link straight to the PDF article when sharing.

We thank both publishers for this collaboration.


About the author
Stijn Pieters is a crisis strategist who specialises in risk and crisis management for companies and governments. He is co-founder and managing partner of PM and co-founder of the CIP Institute.

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