Research has always taken a central position within PM. Our drive to translate scientific knowledge into practical solutions lead in the past decade to the development of, among others, the Crisis Communication Work Process, the Crisis Preparedness Scan, the Normal Chaos Catalytic Framework, and many more methods and tools. Last year we gave this research special attention and created a full-fledged Research & Development division, led by senior partner Dr. Hugo Marynissen and senior researcher Steven van den Oord. At the start of 2021, the PM R&D division is now fully operational and ready to take up some exciting and challenging projects. Here we present a few. Over the next months we will come back with updates and results.


Funded by VLAIO, the Flemish Agency for Innovation and Enterprise, PM R&D currently works on a new business line for consultancy and training in the field of Organizational Resilience. This work is based on multiple research packages, including case studies, literature review, Delphi panels, and a testing and development phase. The first results will be ready by the 3rd quarter of this year. However, over the next months we will reach out to some of our clients with a request to get involved in a pre-testing study.
(VLAIO Funding: HBC.2020.2504)

University of Antwerp & Port of Antwerp

This month, our senior partner Hugo Marynissen joined the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Antwerp on a part-time basis as postdoctoral researcher. In this role he will take the lead in a significant research project at the Port of Antwerp. Together with his colleagues Prof. dr. Sascha Albers, Prof. dr. Alain Guiette and Steven van den Oord at the faculty’s management department, he will analyze the safety networks in the Port of Antwerp with the aim to achieve integrated risk and crisis governance for this critical infrastructure.


For the Antwerp Fire Brigade (Brandweerzone Antwerpen – BZA) Hugo Marynissen and Steven van den Oord are leading a long-term research project. It started in the summer of 2018 and is now in its third year.  Together with other researchers at Antwerp Management School (AMS) and alumni of the Master in Public Management, they published a book in the fall of 2020 about the massive transition the Belgian Fire Departments went through over the last five years. The book gives a vivid and practical insight in the various management techniques this first responders organization applied in a massive change project. Hence, it can be perceived as a case study that offers insights and learnings for any (public or private) organization that is facing organizational change. In the fall of 2021, a second edition will be published. (Read about the first edition here.)

Parliamentary COVID-19 Committee

In November 2020, Dr. Hugo Marynissen has been appointed by the Belgian federal government as an expert to the Special Parliamentary Committee that examines the COVID-19 Approach in Belgium. Together with Prof. dr. Leïla Belkhir (UCL), Prof. dr. Yves Coppieters (ULB) and Prof. dr. Marc Sabbe (KULeuven), he will analyze how crisis management has been approached by the government and all parties involved in an attempt to tame this wicked problem called COVID-19. The objective of this expert group is to analyze, appreciate, learn and recommend alleys for future improvement to the members of this Special Parliamentary Committee. No doubt that the insights their work will offer will help PM to advice and train their clients in an even more effective way.