Tailor-made training solutions

As your organisation is unique, so should be our collaboration. PM has been involved in hundreds of real life crisis situations, and we have been investing for over 15 years in research, personal growth and development of knowledge, processes and tools for risk, crisis and change management. Take advantage of our rich portfolio in courses, trainings, exercises and serious games for your in-company training needs. Whether you are looking for a one-day training or a long-term training program, we are the right partner for you.

Do the things right: plan or planning?

Do not think crisis plans will solve everything: it is still up to people ‘in the hot seat’ to make sense of the situation, declare crisis mode, build teams, define objectives and execute tasks. Their crisis preparedness will make or break your recovery. A nearly perfect crisis plan is of importance for awareness and preparation, but most crisis situations will surprise you in their complexity and probably render large parts of the document inapplicable. We focus on capacity and competences to make sure the things are done right.

Do the right things: a bespoke approach

Every organisation has specific needs. If a crisis situation hits today, your teams would excel at certain things and severely lack behind on others. PM can help you detect the highest training priorities in order to make your organisation more crisis prepared. Mix and match your needs with our rich portfolio of courses, trainings, exercises and serious games and build a world class crisis organisation together with our advisors, research faculty and global expert network. Together we ensure you do the right things.

Build capacity, competences and documentation, and get ready for the next crisis

Partner up with PM for in-company training:

Always tailored to your context, requirements and objectives

Take advantage of our rich portfolio of courses, trainings, simulations and games to satisfy your needs. The possibilities truly are endless.

One-shot training days or long-term programs

No matter the available time, budget or resources, we make sure to organise a training with the most bang for your buck.

Rooted in extensive experience with real-life crisis situations

You are not only getting one or more PM trainers, you are getting top consultants and crisis advisors, too. We think along with you.

Highly practical and interactive

We take pride in highly interactive sessions. Our clients praise us for the way we create lasting impact with our training style.