Communicating starts with listening, that’s how communication managers have known for a long time. It’s also why it’s so important to start with a thorough perception analysis before you start drawing up your communication strategy and/or communication products in times of crisis.

During the corona crisis in Belgium, a perception analysis was carried out on a daily basis (to a large extent by members of Team D5) for an unprecedented length of time, serving as the fundament for the communication strategy of the National Crisis Centre.

Our advisor Kim De Raedt was one of the voluntary TeamD5 members who participated in this perception analysis. Together with TeamD5 member Tim Van Achte and Peter Mertens, Director of Communication of the National Crisis Centre Peter Mertens, she translated the methodologies and the continuous adjustment of the process into concrete tips and recommendations. A must-read for every communication manager who wants to carry out perception analysis during a protracted crisis in an efficient manner.

This article is shared on our blog with permission of the editor Die Keure Publishing.

📥 Download and read the complete article as published in Be Prepared (in Dutch)